>> History >>

Shivaji Shikshan Prasarak Mandal was established in 1934 by Karmaveer Dr.Mamasaheb Jagadale with the objectives of bringing about intellectual awakening and transformation in educational, economic, social and cultural fields in India, more particularly in the rural area of Maharashtra.  The emphasis has been on the all round development of weaker sections of the society.

In pursuance of the main objectives mentioned above the Mandal has opened educational branches right from pre primary to post graduate levels. Presently it covers several faculties.  It has also undertaken various projects embracing social-cultural aspects.  The Mandal has grown into a cluster of institutions at a fantastic speed in amazingly short period under the dynamic leadership of Karmaveer Dr.Mamasaheb Jagadale.  It is just like a “Mini University in Barshi.

>> Establishment >>

Shankarrao Nimbarkar Adhyapak Vidyalayaya was established in 27 April 1954 with the aim of providing education in all fields, thus spreading education to the deserving students

>> Aim >>

The aim of the Shankarrao Nimbarkar Adyapak Vidyalayaya is to cater to the needs of the students in general and students coming from various section of the society and thereby helping them to realize their dreams of a career in professional courses. .

>> Objectives >>

>> To equip the pupil teacher with necessary pedagogic skills.
>> To impart on adequate Knowledge of subjects matter to pupil teacher.
>> To acquire understanding of child psychology.
>> To Develop proper attitude towards teaching profession.
>> To develop the pupil teacher physically and mentally.
>> To motivate the pupil teacher for self-development and social development.
>> To develop social responsibility in the pupil teacher.

>> Future Plans >>

To promote high quality education by employing innovative methodologies for futuristic learning.

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DIIT Barshi